Applications for the 2024 cohort have closed.
Applications for the 2025 cohort, which will launch in fall of 2025 will open on July 1 2025.
The MOLN Mentor program is now accepting applications for mentees for the new fall 2024 cohort. This is a semi-structured program for 12-14 months and is included in your MOLN membership dues. Applications will be reviewed, and matching will happen in August and September 2024. The matches will be communicated in early October with the launch of the new cohort at the Fall conference - October 17 & 18, 2024.
If any of these describe you, please consider applying!
- Early career and aspiring to a leadership role
- New to leadership and a strong desire to learn
- Looking at a next step for your career
- Experienced leader with specific needs for mentoring
2024 MOLN Mentee Application - Click Here to Apply!
Mentors offer a professional partnership, provide feedback, and help guide the mentee on their leadership journey. The mentor and mentee pairs will be matched and communicated early October. We will launch the program at the fall leadership conference. If you are unable to attend, you will receive information via email.
Applications are open July 15 through September 30 to MOLN members only. Please apply by filling out the google form above.
If you have questions about the program, please send an email to office@moln.org.
Goals of the Mentoring Program
- Develop the next generation of Nurse Leaders
- Provide a mentor for new nurse leaders who would like a mentor Leverage the expertise and experience of the large MOLN membership
- Support succession planning of leadership roles
Participants and Matching
The participants express interest by filling out an online application. The program coordinators match the mentors with several things in mind:
- Current role or aspiring to leadership.
- Mentors had some experience that the person doing the matching thought was relevant. Example: A mentor who currently works in the Twin Cities, may have been matched with someone in an outstate location. The mentor may have had previous experience in a like setting.
- Type of interest; advanced education; role in practice or education, or other stated interests
- Potential for ease of access. Please note most mentors are from the Twin City metro area. In some cases, matches are made within a larger healthcare organization, in some cases not.
Goal Setting
Mutual goals should be set and agreed upon to help the mentor and mentee focus their time together and to help measure success.
Mentorship Program Framework
Program Coordinator:
Rebecca McGill: office@moln.org or rlmcgill@stkate.edu or by phone: 612-385-4884
Mentorship Committee Chair:
Heather Gleason: office@moln.org or heather.a.gleason@healthpartners.com
Recommended Books, Podcasts and Resources to Help You on Your Leadership Journey!
Conference Speakers
- Unconditional Forgiveness: A Simple and Proven Method to Forgive Everyone and Everything by Mary Hayes Grieco
- The New Kitchen Mystic: A Companion for Spiritual Explorers by Mary Hayes Grieco
- Transforming Manhood: A trans man's quest to build bridges and knock down walls by Ryan K. Sallans
- Lead from Where You Are: Building Intention, Connection and Direction in Our Schools by Joe Sanfelippo
Books for Finding Resilience and Motivation
- Grit: the Power of Passion & Perseverance by Angela Duckworth
- Bounce Forward: The Extraordinary Resilience of Nurse Leadership by Elie Allsion Napolitano, PHD, Daniel J. Pesut, PHD, RN MPHCNS-BC, FAAN
- Make Your Bed: Little Things that Can Change Your Life… and Maybe the World by Admiral William H. McRaven
- Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress Free Productivity by Allen Grant
Books for Building Leadership Skills
- Dare to Lead by Brene Brown
- Complexity Leadership: Nursing’s Role in Healthcare Delivery by Diana M. Crowell
- Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg
- Hardwiring Excellence: Purpose, Worthwhile Work, Making a Difference by Quint Studer
- Influencer: The Power to Change Anything by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, et al.
- Fierce Conversations: Achieving Success at Work and In Life, One Conversation at a Time by Susan Sc
- Think Like a Rocket Scientist by Ozan Varol
Books for Managing Through Change
- Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel H. Pink
- Good to Great by Jim Collins
- Good to Great and the Social Sectors by Jim Collins
- Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance: Leading a Great Enterprise Through Dramatic Change by Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.
- Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know by Allen Grant
Books for Building Coaching and Mentoring Skills
- Mentoring 101: What Every Leader Needs to Know by John C. Maxwell
- The Nurse Leader Coach by Dr. Rose O. Sherman
Quick Reads - Partnering with Others & Building Skills
- HRB Good Feedback is a Two-Way Conversation (Article)
- How Leaders Create and Use Networks (Article)
- The Power of Vulnerability by Brene Brown (TED Talk)
- No One is an Expert in Leadership by Simon Sinek (Video)
- The Secret to Giving Great Feedback (Ted Talk)
- Supports for Millennial Nurse Leaders (PDF Article)
- Great Mentors Focus on the Whole Person, Not just their Career (Article)
Leadership Experts to Follow
- Simon Sinek
- Quint Studer
- Brene Brown
- Cy Wakeman
- Maxwell Leadership Podcast - John Maxwell
- Reality Based Leadership - Cy Wakeman
- Becker's Healthcare Podcast
- Speak Up - Develop your Executive Presence and Leadership Communication Style
- Life Beyond Clinical Practice- Healthcare Careers, Professional Growth
For more information about the Mentorship Program, contact Rebecca McGill at office@moln.org or rlmcgill@stkate.edu or by phone: 612-385-4884.
Paine, Katee BSN, RN; Prochnow, Jenny A. DNP, MBA, NEA-BC Leadership strategies to support resilience, Nursing Management (Springhouse): April 2022 - Volume 53 - Issue 4 - p 12-19 doi: 10.1097/01.NUMA.0000824024.53750.66
Check back here for more information coming soon!
For more information about the Mentorship Program, contact Rebecca McGill at office@moln.org or rlmcgill@stkate.edu or by phone: 612-385-4884.