MOLN core values include collaboration, contribution to the body of knowledge in nursing, diversity, innovation and mentorship. We are always looking for members who share these same values to help facilitate the professional development of nurse leaders. Share your expertise and refine your leadership skills by joining a committee. Members are welcome to join a committee at any time during the year. Contact us to become a member of one of MOLN committees listed below.
Membership Committee
The MOLN Membership Committee’s purpose is to guide the organization's activities aimed at increasing membership in the organization. These activities support the mission, vision and core values of the association as well as the strategic plan adopted by the Board of Directors. The focus of the committee is membership recruitment and retention. Each member of the committee spends time cultivating new members on a district level by attending meetings, promoting membership, and facilitating networking within the membership.
2024 Committee Chair: Diane Bankers, MSN, RN
Policy and Advocacy Committee
The Policy and Advocacy Committee (PAC) keeps members informed and involved in public policy that relates to nursing and health care. The charge of the committee is to identify key legislative agenda issues, develop position papers on priority issues, and implement communication strategies to advance MOLN's positions.
The PAC plays a key role in the coordination of our capitol days in St. Paul. MOLN Capitol Days are designed to provide our members with the opportunity to interact and have crucial conversations with their legislators. The committee also coordinates and plans the annual nursing public policy internship in the fall.
2024 Committee Chair: Adam Karlen, DNP, RN, NEA-BC
Professional Development Committee
The Professional Development Committee (PDC) plans, coordinates and evaluates MOLN’s educational events to align with our mission, vision and core values, and to strengthen the development and advancement of nurse leaders in Minnesota. The PDC is responsible for coordinating the annual spring and fall conferences, one-day workshops, and webinars. The committee reviews evaluations after each educational event and uses the ideas from the members to continue to improve the conference and session topics and locations.
2024 Committee Chair: Lucy Furlong, DNP, RN BC-NE
Marketing and Communications Committee
The Marketing and Communications Committee is responsible for promoting MOLN through various media and leveraging the MOLN website and social media to communicate key messages. The Marketing and Communications Committee is responsible for promoting MOLN through various media and to leverage the MOLN's website and social media to communicate key messages.
2024 Committee Chair: Maggie Hall, DNP, RN, PHN
Research and Scholarship Committee
The MOLN Research Committee’s purpose is to guide the organizations research activities which support the mission, vision and core values of MOLN by encouraging and conducting basic, applied nursing research and supporting dissemination of nursing research into practice that strengthens the development and advancement of nurse leaders in Minnesota. This committee manages the poster presentation at Spring Leadership Conference. The Research Committee also coordinates the raising of funds and distribution of our educational scholarships awarded annually.
2024 Committee Chair: Mark Becknell, MSN, RN
Mentorship Committee
The MOLN Mentorship Committee’s purpose is to guide the organization's mentorship program which supports the mission, vision and core values of MOLN. The mentorship program seeks to leverage the expertise and experience of MOLN members to help develop the next generation of nurse leaders. The committee supports succession planning and professional development of nurse leaders by facilitating networking and connections among members.
2024 Committee Chair: Heather Gleason, MAN, RN-BC